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How to Stay Healthy on the Road

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Originally Posted 11/15/21

As we quickly approach the time of year when many people write out their “resolutions” or goals for the coming year, more often than not, some version of getting healthy is on that list. At least it's always on mine.

As a mobile notary, I am always on the road. Oftentimes that includes being on the road during meal times. And as much as I'd like to tell you I pack my lunch and I am always prepared to eat healthily- it would be a lie. I have great intentions- every week, but I more often fail than succeed and end up with a bag of chips or a burger.

So, since I am failing at this journey- I started to dive into research. In doing that I found an article on the Business Insider website that really gave some awesome tips and advice on how to stay healthy while on the road. The article is titled “14 Ways to Stay Healthy if You’re Constantly on the Road for Work.” Written by Sharon Feiereisen. She outlines some pretty remarkable suggestions- some I had never thought about.

I’ll link the article here.

As this article gives great information for business travelers, it doesn’t 100% address the ‘not far from home business travelers. Like me. So, I would like to add to her wonderful list! Yes I know, self-proclaimed failure- but my ideas can be pretty helpful for those who choose to follow through.

Plan Ahead! Yes, this means taking 15-20 minutes each week to plan what your meals will be for the following week. This should include dinners, which you hear a lot about in regard to meal planning. But also you should include breakfast and lunch. Especially if you are often away from home during any of these meals.

Get Supplies that work for you. Great, you’ve planned your meals for the week and when you prepare them, you find you don’t have adequate supplies. This isn’t a problem. Finding lunch boxes or bags is not hard to do. These are some of my favorites.

Insulated Thermal Lunch Box

Insulated Thermal Lunch box with phone charger port

Mens Insulated Cooler Lunch Box

If you dread the idea of walking into a convenience store to use a microwave when you want to reheat your meal, I'm with you. I found this awesome product on amazon that I have bought for myself and my husband. You plug it into your car- I plug it into my car in the morning. It's not a microwave, it's not going to overcook your food. And you can put metal containers in soup cups and not run the risk of blowing up your car.

Planning on picking up a healthy lunch from a salad bar? Whole Foods has a great assortment of fresh food you can buy for lunch. They do provide containers to fill and eat from, but it wouldn't be me if I didn’t suggest a more eco-friendly way to do that. These containers you buy and use for salad bar-like meals you can also use them to transport leftovers. They are pretty awesome. Pair them with a set of reusable cutlery and a cloth napkin and you are going to be killing it for the planet.

Ok- now you're ready. You have a meal plan, you have all your supplies- now you have to shop. I know! Just another thing to add to your list of things to do. But make your list and run to the store in between appointments or at your lunch.

With the food part of your “being healthy on the road” plan done, here are some other things to consider:

Be sure to wear sunscreen year-round. And don't forget your arms [leaning against the car window.] You’ll be happy you do it when you get a cancer-free screening.

Dress appropriately for the weather. This might mean layers. Be sure to pay attention to what is expected for the day's weather.

Walk instead of drive. Now, this doesn’t work when you're covering great distances. But park a little farther from the front door. Get some steps in.

I am sure there are many more tips and if you have any I’d love to hear about them.

Stay safe out there and remember if you need a notary but don’t want to travel, give me a call! I can be there for you.

Jennifer Cooper

JKC Mobile Notary
