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Summer Signings- Tips for Signers and Notaries

Originally Posted 05/27/22

I have to tell you a story about last summer. In my first year as a Notary, and often when asked any question or to do a signing in a crazy place, I would never say no. However, that taught me several lessons and gave me a list of ‘No’s’ for future signings.

It's the dead of summer in the Central Valley of California. If you are not from around here, the daily average temperature is between 110 and 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot, dry, and did I say hot? I have a refinance signing in a small town near my home office. I met the signer outside. He is sitting in his garage, door open, in a lawn chair with a second lawn chair to his right. I walk up and introduce myself. I asked where he would like to do the signing. He motions to the right, where he is sitting. There is an empty chair but no table, and outside in the hottest part of the day. The mosquitoes buzz around the driveway and in the garage, and I am eaten alive within minutes. So, I unload the package. The average refinance package is between 180 and 250 legal and letter pages.

After about 20 minutes of trying to finagle the paperwork on my lap, I strongly suggest we go inside to a table. He finally agrees, and after being eaten nearly to death, we move inside. Not to a dining table or kitchen table, or breakfast bar. No, we move to a short-legged, round coffee table. I lived with mosquito bites up both legs, arms, neck, and face for weeks after that appointment. Right then, I decided, NOPE. I must set some boundaries.

So, that leads up to today's blog post. Summer Signings. This blog post is for you, the signer.

We have sweltering summers in the area where I do business. The heatwaves typically start around the end of May and go through to the end of September. With global warming, we have more consecutive days in the hundreds than in the past hundred years. I would love to give tips for keeping your Notary safe and providing a comfortable signing experience.

  1. After June, no outside signings in the sun - or even the shade - if it can be avoided. We don’t have to do the signing in your home; we can do it at the local Starbucks or city library. Guess what; they have air conditioning.

  2. A kitchen, dining, or bar table with regular upright seating is preferable. Some people do not want to use their dining room tables because they are set for an occasion. Let's look for another area where we can spread out.

  3. We have an appointment- please provide a clean space. I am not one to judge; I am coming into your home, and how you live is how you live. However, since you know I am coming, please provide a clean surface to sign these documents.

There aren’t many tips. The biggest one for the summer- is no outside signings. I realize some of you have a high tolerance for extreme weather. Let's assume your Notary does not.

Thank you for coming by today, and I hope this short blog post is helpful for you and your next Notary signing.

Till Next Time- Jennifer Cooper- JKC Mobile Notary