Beyond Loan Signings Book Review

I couldn’t be more excited about this week's post. I am excited because I get to talk about my newest and favorite Notary industry book. Not only is the book excellent and considered by most to be a must-read if you want to expand your Notary business, but it was written by two of my dearest friends and mentors. Laura Biewer and Bill Soroka co-authored “Beyond Loan Signings. The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Your Notary Commission Through Specialty Work.” That's the book's title, and the promises on the cover are kept, especially if you put to work all the amazing advice they so beautifully outline for you.

Let's get to it! The first thing I want to say about “Beyond Loan Signings” is that it is packed full of ten specialties that require your commission, six specialties that don’t require your commission, business-changing financial advice, and proven ways to get and keep customers for life. 

I want first to address the phrase “Specialty Notary Work.” You will see this term throughout this book, and that's because co-author Laura Biewer coined that term. The reason for that title is that she has found a way to specialize in specific areas that we might refer to as general notary work. She learned and mastered each area and coined the term Specialty Notary Work.

If you have never had the opportunity to encounter Bill or Laura, then as a Notary, you are missing out. Missing out on some of our industry's most important and absolute knowledge. Between the two of them, there is easily 20+ years of experience, and this book feels like they just opened up their library of knowledge and poured it out onto the pages. “Beyond Loan Signings” won’t teach you how to be a notary. Laura has a vast number of resources that will teach you to be not just a good notary but an excellent notary, no matter in what state you are commissioned. This book gives you most of the ways to expand your business and income while staying in the sphere of, or near, your Notary commission. 

Here are some of the diversities you can specialize in that this book covers at length:

Medical Facilities

Assisted Living Facilities

Correctional Facilities

Bail Bonds Situations

Vehicle Title Transfers

Family Law Appointments

International adoptions 

And that's just some of the commission-based specialties. 

They have set it up on these pages so that you can use this book as a workbook. There are spaces for notes and places where they encourage you to research your own state's laws or regulations, so you have them handy at all times. It's amazing. 

Some of the specialties they cover that don’t require a commission are:

Apostille Agent

Fingerprinting Services

Field Inspector

Wedding Officiant and

Technology Operator.

Not all of these specialties will be a perfect fit for you, but I guarantee that more than half of them will, and if you get educated and trained on those focuses, the levels at which your income and business will grow will blow your mind.

They don’t stop there; this book keeps giving. They talk about a better way to manage your business finances, and I have had the opportunity to hear Laura speak on this topic live. After implementing her tips, my business books, accounting, and bank balances have changed dramatically for the better. 

It continues with Bill's tried and true methods on how to get and keep customers for life. Are you telling me that doesn’t sound amazing? How many customers have you had that you’ve seen again and again? Once again, I am living proof of their concepts. Bill's systems have leveled up my client-getting and client-keeping game to heights I never thought possible. 

Did I forget to tell you that when you buy this book, you also get some amazing free and discounted resources that will support your journey to expanding the power and reach of your commission? Oh yes, my friends, this amazing book has prompts and QR codes to access your free and discounted resources. You’ll even see something from me in there.

I could talk about this book and its authors for days, but I hope I have given you just enough to encourage you to buy it today. 

Click here to purchase “Beyond Loan Signings” Today!

If you have already purchased and read this book, leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts. In the meantime, I can’t encourage you enough to invest under $30 in your business and your future today. Don’t miss “Beyond Loan Signings.” You won’t be sorry if you buy it, and that's a promise. 

Until Next Time,

Jennifer K. Cooper- JKC Mobile Notary


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