Books I'm Reading - 2nd Quarter Edition

Originally Posted 7/1/22

I love it when I can share some of the amazing books I have been reading with you. I wasn’t always a reader. I shared that in my first book list blog post. I took a college English class about 4 years ago and have been unstoppable in the number of books I have read. My dad and I kind of have this competition going on every year. He beats me, the number of books reads to mine every year- but I started a new business last year- I had way less time to read. That's when I discovered the benefits of Audible. No, this blog is not sponsored, but I love this app. I have kept up my numbers by listening to audiobooks while on the road- working my mobile notary business.

Today I want to share with you a few of my current favorites. Some of them are finance and self-development, and some are just stories. I hope you will find the following info helpful and pick some of these up or grab them on audible today.

First on my list, today is John Grisham's “A Painted House: A Novel.” This story is about a young boy from rural Arkansas who goes from the innocence of a 5-year-old boy to having experienced a myriad of adult moments throughout the cotton-picking season. It's considered a thriller, though I didn’t feel that way about it. I didn’t love the ending, but only because I became connected to the boy and wanted to know where his life would take him as he grew up. It's a great read, suggested to me by my dad. I would encourage anyone to read it. Find it Here

The second book I want to share with you is a finance-focused book, and man, this one turned me on my head when it came to growing my finances. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T.Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki has written a series of books to help teach people and kids how to handle money, grow money, and how ``not be sheep” when it comes to their future and career. He also has a board game that goes with these books. It's a game where either wins or loses. You are learning a ton of information about how to be rich. Not just in dollars but in life. Find it Here

The next two books are my current favorites. A mentor and colleague shared some things she had learned from our next author. Mel Robbins isn’t just an author. Oh no, this woman is the most booked female public speaker. She has courses, classes, journals, podcasts, and more. I have found her podcasts and books to be eye-opening. I hope you will run out and grab one or both of the following.

The first Mel Robbins book I read was “The 5 Second Rule”. The idea behind this book seems so trivial and silly, but I promise you that it has been life-changing in the short time between reading it and writing this blog post. 5-4-3-2–1 Do! Changing my life as I write this. Find it Here

I finished the second Mel Robbins book, “The High 5 Habit”. When my mentor told me she high-fived herself in the mirror every day, again, I thought it sounded silly. But my son and I seriously did the five-day High 5 Challenge, which made us laugh every time. Not because we felt weird, but the feeling of “Oh heck yeah! You got this!” that a high five from a human being brings you, we can bring to ourselves by high-fiving our reflections. Listen, no matter how silly these two book titles seem, I promise you- they are worth the read if you are ready to change your life. Find it Here

The last book I want to share with you isn’t a new one. A movie has been made about it. “The Shack,” written by Canadian author William P. Young completely rocked my faith-based world. Yes, this book has heavy and plot-directive references to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; I wouldn’t call it a Christian book, though it's loved and read by Christians everywhere. What I found amazing about this book is that it took the orthodox, patriarchal, and corrupt religious systems we see daily and turned them on their head. Giving a different view of God that so many see displayed incorrectly. If you are Christian, a believer, have a spiritual life, or have veered away from organized religion, I highly encourage you to read this book or listen on audible. There were days when I would sit in my car in the driveway for an hour, not wanting to miss a thing. It upended some of my ideas about religion and answered many questions I had percolated. This book will be one of my favorites for the rest of my life. Find it Here.

Well, there are certainly more books I could talk about, but today I think I will stop here. I hope you found my little write-ups about each book helpful, if not interesting. I am a diverse reader. I read books from every type of genre because I am an avid learner, and reading has been the most amazing highway to learning I've ever experienced before.

If you have some favorite books, you would like to recommend. I would love to hear about them. Send me a text at 559-212-4706 or an email, or you can send a message through the website. I would love to hear from you.

Till Next Time-

Jennifer Cooper- JKC Mobile Notary


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