How to Set Up and Optimize Your Google Business Profile as a Notary

New Notary Series

As a notary, you know the importance of trust and visibility in your community. But how do you ensure that potential clients find you easily and see you as the trusted professional you are? The answer lies in a powerful tool many overlook: your Google Business Profile.

Setting up and optimizing your Google Business Profile can be a game-changer for your notary business. Here's why it's crucial and how to make the most of it.

1. Visibility Equals Clients

In today's digital age, most people turn to Google when they need a service. Having a well-optimized Google Business Profile increases your chances of appearing in local search results when someone looks for notary services. This visibility can translate directly into more clients.

2. Build Trust with Reviews

One of the most compelling aspects of Google Business Profiles is the ability to collect and display client reviews. Positive reviews build credibility and trust, making potential clients more likely to choose your services over a competitor’s.

3. Showcase Your Services

Your Google Business Profile lets you list all your services, from general notary work to specialized services like loan signings or apostilles. This helps potential clients understand the breadth of your expertise at a glance.

4. Connect with Clients Easily

With your contact information prominently displayed, clients can call, email, or find directions to your office with a single click. This ease of connection can significantly increase your appointment bookings.

5. Share Important Updates

Google Business Profiles lets you post updates, offers, and announcements directly to your profile. Whether you have a new service, a special promotion, or holiday hours, keeping your profile updated ensures your clients always have the latest information.

6. Improve Your SEO

An optimized Google Business Profile enhances your local SEO, making it easier for people in your area to find you. This means your profile is more likely to appear at the top of the results when someone searches for a notary near them.

Tips to Optimize Your Google Business Profile

1. Complete Every Section: Make sure to fill out every section of your profile, including your business hours, address, phone number, and website. The more information you provide, the better.

   2. Use High-Quality Photos: Upload professional photos of your office, logo, and yourself. Visuals help create a connection and give potential clients a sense of what to expect. Ensure you have a professional headshot that fits your entire face for your profile picture. Clients like to see who they are going to hire. 

3. Encourage Reviews: Ask satisfied clients to leave a review. Respond to reviews promptly, whether they are positive or negative, to show that you value client feedback.

4. Keep Information Up to Date: Regularly update your profile with any changes to your business hours, services, or contact information.

5. Utilize Posts and Updates: Post regularly about your services, promotions, or any changes. This keeps your profile active and engaging.

6. Use Keywords Wisely: Incorporate relevant keywords into your business description and services. This helps Google understand your business and improves your search ranking.

Getting Verified on Google

Getting verified is one of the most important steps in optimizing your Google Business Profile. Verification proves to Google (and potential clients) that your business is legitimate and trustworthy.

  • Request Verification: Before or After you set up your profile, Google will require you to verify your location. This requires a 1-2 minute continuous video showing several landmarks. Follow Google’s instructions. A helpful tip here is to lower your camera settings to the lowest settings so the video file isn’t too large. 

  • Complete the Process: Follow Google's instructions to complete the verification. Check Your Status: Once you've submitted your verification request, you can check the status in your Google Business dashboard. The process might take a few days to complete.

  • Reap the Benefits: Once verified, your profile will be marked as “Verified” on Google, boosting your credibility and making it easier for clients to find and trust your business.

By taking these steps, you can transform your Google Business Profile into a powerful tool for attracting new clients and growing your notary business.

Ready to take your notary business to the next level? Check out Jim Allen's Google My Business Mastery Course at Notary Business Builders (NBB). As an NBB member, you'll gain access to exclusive resources and expert guidance to ensure your Google Business Profile is optimized to its fullest potential. Join NBB today and watch your business thrive!


For more tips and expert advice on building a successful notary business, visit Notary Business Builders and become a member today!

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Jennifer K. Cooper, JKC Mobile Notary


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