My First Year as a Notary: Why I love my Career

Originally Posted 1/5/2022

At the beginning of last year, I could never have imagined that I would fall so deeply in love with my career as a Notary. I knew it was something I could do, and I thought I would be good at it, but January 2021 also had a bucket full of fear. Stepping out and starting my own business was scary, and the fear of the unknown was sometimes debilitating. In January, I took my notary test and was officially commissioned by March. I started working in June. Due to covid and school, my high school freshman son was doing school 100% online, and there was a requirement that a parent or guardian be on-site during school hours. So once he completed his first year, I launched my business. It hasn't been an entire year yet, but in 2021, I learned a lot and grew a lot, and from those experiences and lessons, I am writing this blog post.

In the beginning, I took every job offered. I mean, EVERY JOB. I did a 15-minute refinance signing in Mammoth Lakes. Yes, that's a 5-hour one-way trip through Yosemite and back through Bakersfield. Lesson learned quickly; you need to pay me more to spend 10 hours on the road for one 15-minute signing. I worked a lot. It was amazing how quickly business came and how quickly my experience level changed from a newbie to a newer notary to a notary with over 245 signings under her belt. I have grown. However, do you know what happens when you run nonstop for weeks and weeks at a time? Yea, you crash, and crash I did.

In September, I was experiencing heart attack-like symptoms, and it got so bad my husband called 911. That day was a long one. After a visit from the EMTs, a walk-in appointment at a clinic, and then an all-day adventure in the ER, it turns out I was perfectly healthy. So what was going on? As much as I fought my husband and sister's suggestion, I believe I suffered from a severe panic attack. My first ever panic attack, and God willing, my last. Through that, I learned I needed to step back. I didn't need to take every job, and I didn't need to work with companies who didn't value their notaries.

After the panic attack, I took a moment to reflect on my current schedule and the systems I had in place. I realized I had abandoned all the routines and procedures that helped keep me centered, focused, and relaxed. Also, I had yet to work out, do yoga, or meditate, all activities I love. The first thing I did was organize my schedule to have set working hours. I set up a morning routine with quiet time, devotion, and working out. I created and am still working on an evening routine that helps set up an automatic system to ensure I get a good and restful night's sleep.

This last year has also allowed me to work with some fantastic people. I have worked closely with the staff at Old Republic Title in Clovis, and I have also worked with some incredible people from Placer Title. In addition to the title offices I worked with, the network of local notaries I have met has been life-changing. I set up a local notary network group on Facebook, and I have been overwhelmed by the growing friendships and collaborations that have developed. If all of that wasn't enough, this last year finally allowed me to meet some of my notary mentors. That meeting changed our relationships from digital to real. It was an experience I couldn't be more thankful for, and I look forward to the future.

So, why do I love my career? I love the opportunity to meet many different and new people every day. I love building a network of talented and dedicated colleagues. I enjoy learning and growing. It's been a year of so much to be thankful for, and I can't see that slowing down soon.

What will be new with JKC Mobile Notary and me? Lots. In the first quarter, I will be offering Apostille services. Need to know what that is? Don't worry; you'll hear from me soon all about it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I have enjoyed learning and growing in my blog writing; it wouldn't be the same without you.

Jennifer Cooper

JKC Mobile Notary.


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