New Notary Series Blog

Hello to my amazing readers of the JKC Mobile Notary blog. I am so grateful that you keep coming back to check out what's new on the blog each week. This week I am excited to announce a new blog series. If you follow me on YouTube, you may notice that I have also started a new series there. These will be my first series; the Youtube and blog series will tie together. So what's the series, you ask? I am glad you asked. The new series is titled “The New Notary Series.” This series on both platforms will walk through all the steps a new Notary will need to know to get their commission and start their business. 

There are a significant number of Notaries who follow me that I would classify as advanced Notaries and a lot of my content feeds into that; this series, however, will go back to the beginning and be about the importance of remedial information that you and I both needed at the beginning of our Notary journey. I will write about what a Notary is, what it means to be a Notary, how to get commissioned, and beyond. I will touch on every level of the journey. 

I will post one blog a month in this series, and there will be one video a month on YouTube as well.  The YouTube series has already started, so if you are interested, you can check that out here.

Since many of you are more advanced Notaries, I completely understand that you may not want the New Notary Series blog posts delivered to your inboxes. If you wish to opt out of those emails, please send me an email and let me know, and I will be sure to remove you from the mailing list. However, if you wish to continue to receive the blog posts and share them on your social media platforms as curated content, I would be thrilled. Together we can reach as many new Notaries as possible and help them along their journey together. 

Thank you so much for your continued support. I look forward to working together to help create educated and well-trained Notaries that will join our widespread Notary community.

Of course, I would love to hear from you regarding this project. Feel free to reply to the email, but I would also love it if you would go to this post on the webpage and leave a comment at the bottom of the post. Whatever you decide to do, I am excited about this new series, and I hope you are too. 

Jennifer K Cooper-JKC Mobile Notary


The Spiritual Nature Of Money


Exploring the Certified Notary Trust Delivery Agent Certification Course