Three Books Every Entrepreneur should read

Originally Posted 2/21/22

How could I compile a list of my favorite books? There are so many genres and topics to choose from. So I decided to start small and begin a series on this blog page. Today, I am going to share only three. So let's get into it.

First, and my current read is The Miracle Morning for Millionaires by Hal Elrod, David Osborn, and Honoree Corder. It's a fantastic book. If you aren’t familiar with the Miracle Morning book by Hal Elrod, well, that's a great one too. Hal Elrod is famous for his Miracle Morning practice. In the first book, he stresses, and David Osborn does the same in this one, how important it is to have a morning routine that sets your day, week, year, and life up for success.

The famous S.A.V.E.R.S. that Hal has taught in all of his Miracle Morning Books for getting your morning going is no less important in this book than his original.

I have read Hal’s first book and loved it. However, co-authored with David Osbern, this one changes how I view our finances and future choices. It's worth the read. I will link the book here on amazon. However, it's also available on Audible.

The second book I want to share with you has become one of my favorites. Lean In, by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandburg. At first glance, this book looks to be about women for women, but I would challenge that idea altogether. Yes, this book is about woman's role in corporate America, but it's also an excellent resource for men in corporate America. The men who want to help break the glass ceiling in their own company. It is such a fantastic page-turner. I loved this book so much that I would only read one page at a time to keep it from ending when I approached the end. Buy it here!

The third book I would like to suggest you take the time to read is Paul Jarvis’ Company of One. As an entrepreneur and, for now, a solo-prenuer, I found this book incredibly enlightening. More than that, I discovered that the book permitted me to keep my company smaller. I realize that idea seems counterintuitive to the entrepreneur. We believe growth is part of success. Jarvis challenges that idea wholeheartedly and gives a great perspective on another option. The reviews listed on the back of the book perfectly sum up the views on these pages. “ A must-read for any entrepreneur who prioritizes a rich life over riches.” Cal Newport, best-selling author of Deep Work and Digital Minimalism. Chris Guillebeau, the best-selling author of Side Hustle and The $100 Startup, says, “If you’ve ever wondered how to have a business that works for you instead of the other way around- you need this book.” An absolute must-read, in my opinion. Get the paperback copy here.

I hope you have found this helpful. I often like to look up others' ideas of the best books about business and entrepreneurship. If you have any books you love, please don’t hesitate to share them with me. You can email me here.

Thanks for stopping by,

Jennifer Cooper

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