Hi, I’m Jennifer Cooper, Notary Public and owner of JKC Mobile Notary. I am proud to offer Inspector of Election Services for the entire Central Valley of California. 

For HOAs or other board-driven companies, I offer different levels of services to assist with your Blind Ballot Election Needs. 

Due to the 2006 Davis Sterling Act, all inspectors of elections must be a disinterested 3rd party. As a Notary Public, and as written into the law, I can offer my services to any California HOA for their secret ballots and blind votes.

As an inspector of elections here in the Central Valley, I have the unique opportunity to offer these services close to home. That means no excessive fees for ballot counting or travel.

 I love working with and for the community around me, and I would very much value the opportunity to assist you and your HOA in their next vote. 

Below are just some of my services:

Inspector Services


Status Reports

1-Year Storage of Ballots- After the votes are counted

My rates are fair, and I ensure a quality of service. 

For a quote- Please see the button to the right, fill out the information, and I will contact you as soon as possible.