5 Tips for Spring Marketing For Notaries

Originally posted 1/20/23

As I write this, I am pretty sure my house will float away with all this rain. Some of you in the country can't see the mailbox outside your windows because of snow. We clearly are in the throes of winter. So, this topic may seem out of place, but the best time to plan and prep your marketing and business for the new season is now; before you get there. That being said, let's

get our notary businesses ready for spring marketing!

I’ve got five tips to help you get your focus in motion and plan how to reach your customers in the spring season. Please keep in mind these tips are just to inspire you and give you starting points. Pick and choose what works, and don’t feel compelled to do them all.

1. Promote seasonal holidays with customers and potential customer visits, email campaigns, and social media promotions.

There is a fun and formal holiday for every season, and if you know where to look, there are tons of fun holidays to promote as well. I encourage you to check out National Holiday to see what other fun holidays you can use to promote your business. Some holidays to consider are

2. Raise Awareness for Your Favorite Important Cause.

As a human being in this world, I would like to think that we all have special causes that we support and would like to raise awareness about. Me, I have a couple. One is a Pit Bull Rescue in our community. I take every opportunity to share about their programs and opportunities to raise monies and donations. This coming spring season is a great time to partner up with your favorite and promote them. Some ideas include offering some free notarizations on-site when the potential signers bring donations. Or offering clients an online promo and discounts on services when they share information on the charity or organization on social media and tag you.

3. Cross Collaborate with Local Businesses.

Much like what I suggested you do with your charity or cause, I encourage you to find a local business in your community that you can collaborate with. Perhaps it's another notary in your network. For ideas on how to do that, I am linking a great article from AVOCOR with a great list of ideas on how to work collaboratively with another small business in your area.

4. Expand Your Social Media Presence.

Now is a great time to break into other social media platforms that you might not have considered before. Have you migrated to TikTok yet? Are you posting REELS on Instagram? How about your Google Business presence? Are you posting there on a regular basis? If business is quiet during this time of year for you, take advantage and start discovering a new social media platform and expand your presence.

5. Get Your Office and Mobile Office Cleaned.

Seriously! They call it “Spring Cleaning” for a reason. It's a great time to clean up and clean out all the grime and dirt that has accumulated in your office and your car over the Fall and Winter seasons. I pay a monthly fee to my local car wash service, where I can go get my car washed and have the inside detailed as many times and as often as possible. I would see if you have the same option at your favorite car wash. As for your office space, if you are anything like me, I am sure it's time to do a deep clean. Take the time to really clean out your space. Get rid of the trash, evaluate your supplies, and prepare for a new and exciting business season.

There you go. Some tips and tricks for getting a head start on promoting and preparing your business for the spring season. Try one or two holiday promotions. Try your hand at starting a Notary TikTok channel; there are a few to take a look at to get ideas. Whatever you do, do something now so you don’t miss the opportunity to be ahead of the game when those spring flowers start showing up.

I would love to hear which of these tips inspired you the most and have you share your promotions when you have them ready. You can reach me at jcooper@jkcmobilenotary.com or give me a call at 559-212-4706.

If you'd like to watch the video to go with this post. Check that out here.

Until Next Week- Take Care and Go Get Em.

Jennifer Cooper- JKC Mobile Notary


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