Why Understanding Your Documents Is Important

You will encounter many documents if you are a Notary Public like me. If you are a loan signing agent, many of them will be Real Estate-based documents, and if you are focusing on Estate Planning, that's a different group of documents. If you are diversifying your Notary business, you will encounter many other types of documents. Having a good understanding of the documents you are signing is vital to your success.

The list of documents I mentioned above seems overwhelming, so how do you go about learning, developing, and mastering an understanding of each of them? Well, it will take time. I would love to tell you that before you can go out and be a Notary, you will need to understand all the documents you will encounter fully. However, that is a hard ask. Having full knowledge and mastery of every document won’t happen overnight. So I suggest you start this process with smaller bites. Instead of ALL documents you might notarize, spend the time, energy, and if needed, money to understand a small selection of documents at a time. 

What's amazing about our community is that you have many options of trainers and programs that will assist you and becoming a better Notary and understanding the documents you will notarize better.

Want to be a Loan Signing Agent? Bill Soroka or Notarycoach.com and his Sign and Thrive Course are the best coaches for that. The monthly cost is really manageable for all budgets. His course won’t just teach you about loan signing documents. It will equip you to be a profitable and knowledgeable Loan Signing Agent. You can check that out here. 

Want to focus on or diversify with specialty or general notary work? How about Estate Planning signings or Hospital Signings? Laura Biewer at Coach Me Laura will teach you about those areas and much more. You can find her Laura Biewer Presents Library of Training here. But wait, at the end of this blog, I will give you the opportunity to get a discount on her Library. In addition, she has just co-authored a book with Bill Soroka, Beyond Loan Signings.” If you want to branch out and really put your commission to work, buy this book as quickly as possible. You can purchase that here. 

As you begin to take appointments and assignments, you will inevitably encounter all sorts of documents over and over again, and you will be familiar with the expectations of the document and the issuer of that document. This experience will keep building your expertise. However, you could spend 20 years building up all the knowledge the aforementioned coaches have now. Or, you can get to the expert level much faster by taking on what they have learned now. Education for any part of your business is very important and should be a continuous priority. 

I have put together a few things to help you grow, learn, and become experts in your field and community. First, the Notary Resource Page has tons of discounts and freebies from our industry's best Coaches, Leaders, and Innovators. In it, you can sign up for Bill Soroka’s Sign and Thrive course and get a free downloadable PDF of 3 of his books. “Sign and Thrive,” “How to Supercharge Your Notary Business with Linkedin,” and “The Notary Business Building Challenge.” These books are must-reads for any Notary, and you will get them for free by signing up for Bill’s course through the Notary Resource Page. Also, on the Notary Resource page is a coupon link for a discount on Laura Biewers Training Library. When I tell you, no one like Laura in this community can bring you farther along from where you start. I encourage you to check it out. Click Here for more information on the Notary Resource Page.

I have also created a document class to go over and better understand Power of Attorney documents and how to notarize them. You can check that out here. It's only $30.

Understanding the documents you will be asked to notarize is so important to the value and success of your business in this industry and community. It will also help you better navigate appointment requests. There is no downside to getting a full and complete understanding of your business, and the Notary acts you will perform in it.

I hope this post helped you discover a way to get educated and inspired you never to stop learning and always prioritize your education in this amazing Notary Industry.

Till Next Time-

Jennifer K. Cooper, JKC Mobile Notary


Master Your Notary Knowledge: Acknowledgments


Thumbprint Rules for Callifornia Notaries